Sunday, February 20, 2011

Filing information...

As of February 14th, the IRS form Schedule A was updated and for the majority of people you should be able to file your taxes. This link is for the "Refund Cycle chart" from the IRS.  It will give you info on what you can expect your Federal refund to be either direct deposited or a check mailed depending on the date ACCEPTED by the IRS.

Blessings to you and yours,

Why a blog?

I have people ask me tax questions on a daily basis. Whether it is in my full-time job at a company in Birmingham or it is a client with a business or an individual who is interested in what receipts to save, there are always questions. I certainly cannot share all of the knowledge I have regarding taxes, there are things I think people should know. I plan to share those here.Taxes are a sore subject with the majority of Americans. Most HATE to see April 15th on a calendar! If for that reason alone, I post. 

Personally, I had a fantastic day with my family and need to rest up for another day of being Mama to 3 beautiful girls! Thank you Lord for my babies and their health. 

Blessings to you and yours,